European Union, the United States, Jamaica, Mexico, and Canada.

Note - Additional countries will be added.

  1. You are eligible for a tax refund of 15% on purchased items such as Jewelry, Souvenirs, Clothing, Electronic, Liquors, Coffee, and other tangible items.
  2. You will also get a VTR Discount of up to 10% on the following expenses related to your vacation: Airplane Tickets, Car Rentals, Cruises, Hotels/AIRBNB/Resort, Attractions, Salon/Spa, Medical (conditions), and Restaurants.

Yes. Each receipt must have a minimum value of $50 USD.

(1) Go to an authorized member displaying the Vacation Tax Refund logo in their store window or in-store countertop:

(2) Purchase a VTR CODE from the business or depending on the business, you could get one for free.

(3) During your vacation, retain all receipts for purchased items.

(4) Once your vacation has ended, go to the following page to register and submit a refund application: TOURIST

You will need a VTR CODE. If you don't have a VTR Code, buy one by clicking on the following link: VTR CODE 

(5) Once your Refund Application is received, you will be contacted via email if there are any issues or to let you know that the processing has been initiated. Please allow up to 7 days.

No. Your Life-Time Membership allows you to apply for additional refunds in the future without the need to register for a new membership account.

The processing time averages 90 days; could be shorter or longer depending on the workload.

Yes. You have up to 30 days after your vacation has ended to file for a refund.

If you don't have the actual receipts, your credit card statement can be used as proof of purchase.

The tax refund rate is 9%; but with Vacation Tax Refund, you can get discounts on airfare, cruise ship, car rental, hotel/resort/vacation rental, excursions, and restaurant expenses.

Yes. You can cancel and get a full refund for the Life-Time Membership fee.

(a) There is no refund when a refund has been paid-out.

(b) Any refund application that is being processed, you will no longer be entitled to the refund since you're no longer a member.

The tax refund and discount amounts will be paid via PayPal which is the quickest method.

Note - A bank wire transfer option is also available.